FlySIP Switch v4.5 Release Notes

Posted on 23 September 2016

FlySIP’s release notes are a summarized guide to help existing and prospective customers understand what is new and improved in the FlySIP Softswitch product.


More APIs

This release includes many new web API methods, continuing on our mission to to give Operators a switch that is 100% programmable.

Improved performance

Great effort has been put into improving switch performance. We have observed improved performance numbers on this new release, exceeding 11,000 concurrent calls with Call Per Second rates north of 500. Most of the performance gains are thanks to improved CDR write performance.

Web application improvements

Many small usability and consistency improvements have been completed on the web application.

Many more Web application features now use the web APIs, which means that Audit Logs are recorded for even more administrative tasks. We will soon have complete Audit Logging coverage for all administrative actions.

Monitoring Graphs

New graphs for Media/RTP activity have been added.

Security Improvements

Audit Logging now covers most of the critical functions of the system, and database security has been improved.

Release Notes

WEB Application Changes

Monitoring Graphs

The layout of graphs has been re-organized into three columns instead of two, to make more room.

RTP graphs have been added to show RTP/Media session counts, throughput, and RTP health.

Users of Account portal can now view all assigned Tariffs

When an Account user logs into their portal, they can now view all Tariffs that are assigned to their account, even if the Tariff is assigned via an Authentication Rule or other method.

Vendor CDR detail page displays all CDR fields.

The Vendor CDR detail page displays all available CDR fields. The same feature was added to v4.4 for Account/Customer CDR detail pages. 

CDR Detail pages display error description

The CDR Detail page now prints the error code and the error description. 

Authentication Rules UI now use web APIs

The FlySIP web application has been updated so that the Authentication Rules management interface uses the web API methods. With this update, all changes to Authentication Rules now have an audit event logged.

Vendor CDR group ordering

When a call hunts through more then one vendor, the CDRs will now display in the order in which the vendor were tried. 

Vendor connection validation

The Vendor connection destination field has stronger validation.

Trunks Destination validation

The Trunks Destination field has stronger validation. 

Prevent deletion of Destination Sets that are active in Routing Group

If a Destination Set is in use in a Routing Group, and the user attempts to delete it, a warning dialog will appear warning the user that the Destination Set is in use.

Reporting Role

Active Calls report is now available to the Reporting role.

Destination Sets are now available to the Reporting role.

Payment History is now available to the Reporting role.

Profit & Loss report is now available to the Reporting and Billing roles.

Sales Report is now available to the Reporting role.

Tariffs are now available to the Reporting role..

Active Calls Page

The Active Calls page can now display more than 10,000 active calls.

The Active Calls page will not error when attempting to display a call that is already in routing, but not yet assigned a vendor.

Incoming Routing now self-managed via Account Portal

Account holders can now self-manage the CLD Translation rule on incoming routes.

Archive zero duration CDR policy configurable by web.

The System Parameters page now has a setting that allows Switch Operators to configure policy for “Archive Zero CDRs”.

SIP Log Index ordering

SIP log messages are properly ordered by packet time in all cases, addressing an issue that resulted in logs appearing in non-chronological order.

SIP Log Viewer

The SIP Log viewer now include rtpproxy control channel logs when available.

SIP Log Viewer has had numerous improvements and fixes.


A bug was fixed that caused the search string to become corrupt when a percentage symbol was used.

The DID listing page now wraps description text.

SIP Signaling, Routing or Plan Changes

SIP Header Pass through configuration

SIP Header Pass through is now configurable by using the new web API system parameters web API methods.The web application will be update in a future release to allow configuration of same via the web application.

SIP Registrations to non-primary IP address

SIP user agents that register to a non primary IP address of a switch are now handled correctly when a new call is directed at that SIP user agents location.

Value for Max Sessions on Accounts have been changed.

On an Account,max_sessions = 0will prevent any calls from passing.max_sessions = -1 means that the Account session limit is Unlimited.This change is invisible to all except API users that create accounts via the API and setmax_session sexplicitly. Themax_sessions value is updated during the 4.5 upgrade procedure.


When a system has multiple IP addresses, and Vendor SIP registrations are enabled, the SIP registration will originate from the correct IP address as configured on the Vendor Connection.

Vendor connections can now be configured to have a custom From domain/realm.

Minute Plans

Several improvements and bug fixes have been made to the Minute Plans feature.

Final 2xx timeout on Routing Groups

Routing Groups have a new “Final 2xx timeout” feature that allows the switch operator to control the final timeout of a call that is being sent to a vendor.

IVR Changes

It is now possible to set an upper limit on the number of Trusted CLI numbers of a CLI application.

CDR Improvements

When a DNCL (Do Not Call List) match is found, the translated CDR will be written to the CDR table, which is shows the exact number that was matched by DNCL.

A call disconnection issue where follow-me and onnet call are enabled has been fixed.

The denormalizedsetup_timevalue will now be identical acrosscdrs_customersand calls table.

When cost values evaluate to zero after rounding, ensure that the recorded value is always0and never-0.

Destination Prefix

Longer prefix matches in Destination sets now has higher precedence then shorter matches.

2XX timeout records proper 180 code in CDR

When a 2XX timeout deadline is reached in FlySIP, the resulting CDR will have the code 180 instead of 100.

Transformation Rule delimiter.

Transformation Rules now support both semi-colons and commas as rule delimiters.

DID CLD Translation Rule Feature

The DID entity has a new CLD Translation rule. This feature allows operators to route many DIDs to new numbers, and track all billing via one single account.

DID Validation Improvements

DID validation now imposes the same rules as described in the SIP RFC. DIDs will automatically have any tabs or white space trimmed when saved.