Vendors Management

Last updated by FlySIP Support on October 31, 2019 09:35

The applications support trusted mode and i_customer parameter should be supplied in this case.


This application has an alias - addVendor()

This application is used to create a vendor.


  • name - String. Required.
  • web_password - String. Required.
  • web_login - String. Required.
  • i_time_zone - Integer. Required.
  • base_currency - Three letter currency code, i.e. 'USD'. String. Optional.
  • company_name - String. Optional.
  • salutation - String. Optional.
  • first_name - String. Optional.
  • mid_init - String. Optional.
  • last_name - String. Optional.
  • street_addr - String. Optional.
  • state - String. Optional.
  • postal_code - String. Optional.
  • city - String. Optional.
  • country - String. Optional.
  • contact - String. Optional.
  • phone - String. Optional.
  • fax - String. Optional.
  • alt_phone - String. Optional.
  • alt_contact - String. Optional.
  • email - String. Optional.
  • cc - String. Optional.
  • bcc - String. Optional.
  • balance - Double. Optional.
  • i_lang - Two-letter language code, i.e. 'en'. String. Optional.
  • i_export_type - Integer. Optional.
  • i_password_policy - Integer. Optional.
  • round_up - If call durations should be round up. Boolean. Optional. Default is FALSE.
  • cost_round_up - If call costs should be round up. Boolean. Optional. Default is FALSE.
  • decimal_precision - Decimal precision for call costs. Integer. Optional. Default is 20.


  • result - OK - String.
  • i_vendor - ID of the newly created vendor. Integer.
  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.


This application is used to update a vendor.


  • i_vendor - Integer. Required.
  • all other parameter as described for createVendor()


  • result - OK - String.
  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.

NOTE: The balance and base_currency cannot be changed.


This application is used to remove a vendor.

  • i_vendor - Integer. Required.
  • result - OK - String.
  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.


This application is used to get a vendor detail. Either i_vendor or name should be supplied.

  • name - Name of vendor. String. Optional.
  • i_vendor - Id of vendor. Integer. Optional.
  • result - OK - String.
  • vendor - Structure with vendor's attributes.
  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.


This application is used to list vendors.

  • name_pattern - Pattern to filter vendors by name (SQL syntax for the ILIKE operator is used). String. Optional.
  • limit - limit output to limit of records. Integer. Optional.
  • offset - skip first offset records. Integer. Optional.
  • result - OK - String.
  • vendors - Array of structures with vendors attributes.
  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.


This application is used to list vendors (4.5 Flysip version).

  • name_pattern - Pattern to filter vendors by name (SQL syntax for the ILIKE operator is used). String. Optional.
  • limit - limit output to limit of records. Integer. Optional.
  • offset - skip first offset records. Integer. Optional.
  • result - OK - String.
  • vendors - Array of structures with vendors attributes.
  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.


Debits specified currency amount from a vendors balance. Added in version 4.0


  • i_vendor- Integer. Required.
  • i_customer- Integer. Required.
  • amount - Float. Required
  • currency - String. Required


  • result - OK - String.
  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.


Adds the specified currency amount to the Vendors balance. Added in version 4.0


  • i_vendor- Integer. Required.
  • i_customer- Integer. Required.
  • amount - Float. Required
  • currency - String. Required


  • result - OK - String.
  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.


Credits specified currency amount to the vendors balance. Effectively the same method as vendorAddFunds() but the transaction is marked as a 'Credit'. Added in version 4.0


  • i_vendor- Integer. Required.
  • i_customer- Integer. Required.
  • amount - Float. Required
  • currency - String. Required


  • result - OK - String.
  • XMLRPC fault in case of any error.