Test Dialplan

Last updated by FlySIP Support on October 31, 2019 08:51

The testDialplan() XML-RPC API method allows to inspect how a call will be routed, method available starting from 5.0 version of Sippy.

Only customers with System Management permission are allowed to issue testDialplan xmlapi call

The application support trusted mode and i_customer parameter should be supplied in this case.

The routes is an array of dictionaries with the keys:

  • cli
  • cld
  • prefix
  • i_destination_set
  • destination_set_name
  • i_route
  • i_media_relay
  • i_vendor
  • vendor_name
  • i_connection
  • connection_name
  • capacity
  • num_sessions
  • preference
  • quality_monitor_enabled
  • connection_quality
  • qmon_action
  • estimated_cost
  • system_connection
  • billing parameters (free_seconds, interval_1, interval_N, connect_fee, price_1, price_N, grace_period, post_call_surcharge, area_name)
  • forbidden
  • onnet_route_type
    • 1 - Listen to Voicemail
    • 2 - Record Voicemail
    • 3 - On-Net route
    • 7 - Service code
    • NULL - vendor route
  • error - optional field. Possible values:
    • loss_protection
  • error_cause - optional field. Explanation of the error

The onnet_account is a dictionary with the following keys:

  • i_account
  • username
  • i_did
  • routes - the same as above