Providers and Connections

Last updated by FlySIP SoftSwitch on June 02, 2016 09:33

Here you can see system which has 6 connections to 3 different providers. Each connection represents separate SIP-PSTN gateway located in different places all around the world.


Connections are logical entries in the system representing destinations for sending calls to. For example connection can represent specific SIP-PSTN gateway in your network, another SIP softswitch that belong to your termination provider, some SIP IVR or conference server, etc.

Connection Parameters

Each Connection has several parameters associated with it:

  • Destination – IP address or DNS name of the remote SIP device/software for sending outgoing calls to;
  • Username – username for the SIP digest authentication if required by the Connection destination;
  • Password – password for the SIP dgest authentication if required by the Connection destination;
  • CLD Translation Rule – translation rule to be applied to the CLD before sending the outgoing call to the Connection destination;
  • CLI Translation Rule – translation rule to be applied to the CLI before sending the outgoing call to the Connection destination;
  • Capacity – maximum number of simultaneous calls accepted by the Connection destination. Value of -1 means that there is no limit;
  • Enforce Capacity – if enabled instructs Softswitch to limit number of simultaneous calls establishes to this particular Connection by the value of the Capacity parameter;
  • Use Media Relay – policy for using media relay (RTP Proxy) when sending calls to this Connection;
  • Single Outbound Port - when enabled, SIP requests are being sent from 5060 port, otherwise from one of the b2bua's ports configured in the system ( for example, 5061,5065,5066,5067,5068,5069,5070,5071).
  • Huntstop SIP Codes – comma-separated list of SIP final negative response codes. If any of those codes is received from that Connection the Softswitch will stop hunting (i.e. it prevents switch from trying to connect call to the alternative Connection). For example, if a particular Connection is known to correctly report when PSTN destination number is busy by sending 486 Busy Here the parameter could be set to 486.