Hardware Requirements

Last updated by FlySIP SoftSwitch on July 14, 2018 11:18

Hardware Specification Guidelines

Stick to reputable name brand hardware.

KVM access is required for FlySIP Support to access your installation for installation & upgrades.

** A note about Real CPU cores, versus Hyper-Threads or Virtual Cores

Our documentation states “physical cores”. This excludes virtual or hyperthreading cores.

For example, the Intel E5-2690 processor is marketed as having 8 physical cores and 8 virtual cores or “Threads”. This CPU counts as having 8 physical cores.

FlySIP Softswitch Hardware

2,000 Concurrent Calls, 30 CPS Spec guideline

CPU8 Core, 2.0GHz, Intel Xeon E5 or better or comparable AMD**
RAM16GB or more (may depend on number rates/routes/environments)
DiskRAID 10 SSD configuration with hardware RAID controller and BBU

Optionally RAID 5 1TB SATA drives for log files.
Network InterfaceGigE Network Interface Intel(R) PRO/1000 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet. Bonded (FEC) interface is recommended
Bandwidthless than 10 MBit/sec

3,000 Concurrent Calls, 50 CPS Spec guideline

CPU8 Core, 2.5GHz, Intel Xeon E5 or better or comparable AMD**
RAM24GB or more (may depend on number rates/routes/environments)
DiskRAID 10 SSD configuration with hardware RAID controller and BBUOptionally RAID 5 1TB SATA drives for log files.
Network InterfaceGigE Network Interface Intel(R) PRO/1000 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet. Bonded (FEC) interface is recommended
Bandwidthless than 100MBit/sec

6,000 Concurrent Calls, 100 CPS Spec guideline

CPU16 Core, 2.5GHz, Intel Xeon E5 or better or comparable AMD**
RAM32GB or more (may depend on number rates/routes/environments)
DiskRAID 10 SSD configuration with hardware RAID controller and BBU

Optionally RAID 5 1TB SATA drives for log files.
Network InterfaceGigE Network Interface Intel(R) PRO/1000 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet. Bonded (FEC) interface is recommended
Bandwidthless than 100MBit/sec

10,000 Concurrent Calls, 150 CPS Spec guideline

CPU32 Core, 2.5GHz, Intel Xeon E5 or better or comparable AMD**
RAM64GB or more (may depend on number rates/routes/environments)
DiskRAID 10 SSD configuration with hardware RAID controller and BBU

Optionally RAID 5 1TB SATA drives for log files.
Network InterfaceGigE Network Interface Intel(R) PRO/1000 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet. Bonded (FEC) interface is recommended
Bandwidthless than 100MBit/sec

Media Relay hardware guidelines

Media Relay Cluster is a beta product, and only available to enterprise customers participating in our beta program. If you wish to take part in this program, please contact sales@flysip.com

The relay or proxying of media through an intermediary system is useful for some specific scenarios, such as NAT helping and network topology masking. Relaying media will increase the network requirements, bandwidth resources and CPU resources of your system.

Media Relay causes the RTP stream between your client system and your vendor to travel via your FlySIP Softswitch infrastructure.

The type of codec used by your client & vendor has a large bearing on the resources consumed. For example, here is the example of relative sizes between a selection of popular codecs:

Codec / Bandwidth usage examples

2,000CC / 30CPS250 MBit/sec40 MBit/sec
3,000CC / 50CPS375 MBit/sec60 MBit/sec
6,000CC / 100CPS750 MBit/sec120 MBit/sec
10,000 CC / 150 CPS1.25 GBit/sec300MBit/sec
Furthermore, the characteristics of traffic using the same codec can vary.For example, the packetization window of a codec at 10msec will have a throughput of X and bandwidth usage of Y. If the packetization window is changed to 20msec, then the throughput changes to ~A and bandwidth usage to ~B.

The point to remember here is that all media traffic, even using the same codec is not always equal in terms of the resources required to relay it.

Medium spec Media Relay hardware suitable up to 2,000 Concurrent Calls, 30 CPS

CPU16 Core, 2.5GHz, Intel Xeon E5 or better or comparable AMD**
DiskMirrored SATA hard drives or better
Network InterfaceGigE Network Interface Intel(R) PRO/1000 PCI Express Gigabit Ethernet. Bonded (FEC) interface is recommended

Media Relay hardware server/capacity table

Cluster Size (Number of servers)
2,000CC / 30CPS1
3,000CC / 50CPS2
6,000CC / 100CPS3
10,000 CC / 150 CPS5